Thursday, January 10, 2013

people + public transportation rant

Something that bugs me is the way people use public transportation as a means to act out and draw attention to them. While the idea of public transit does serve a useful purpose, it also, at times, does not. For example, in the past few years I have been riding the bus to school, I have, on occasion, been hit on at different bus stops. While some might think that this gesture is flattering, I personally find it more creepy than not.
Along with being hit on at the bus stop, there are plenty of people that I have observed who do not respect the rules for proper bus conduct and this is shown through their behavior. An example of this are people who play their music on the bus without turning the sound down, especially if it can be heard from the front of the bus. It’s very disrespectful and distracting.
Although riding the bus is helpful from getting place to place, riders have to keep in mind that the people that they ride with might not always be the best company for a bus ride.

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