Monday, January 28, 2013

we live in public: liveblogging post

Here are some notes that I took while watching this very interesting documentary:

-- Josh Harris had a vision that we would be able to communicate with others via Internet

-- Started Jupiter Communications, providing data and established chat rooms

-- The future was the Internet

-- Pseudo: first internet television network; webcams + chatrooms + radio stations

-- Publicly said he wanted to take CBS out of business because of the Internet's ability to track audiences (1999)

-- Privacy: discusses lack of privacy amongst own family, becomes alienated from siblings and mother; loves mother "virtually," but not physically, television became "best friend" and was emotionally neglected

-- Conformity through virtuality

-- "Quiet": social experiment involving camera surveying people separately and together

-- People being monitored 24 hours a day, no privacy

-- Invasion w/cameras

-- People were "owned"

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